Mangalore: A special day, celebrated in a very special way. The entire celebrations, starting from invocation, including flag hoisting and ending with a vote of thanks – everything was done by children between 6 and 16 years of age.
The enthusiasm they displayed, the energy they showed would put any adult to shame. In celebrating this special day, the innocent faces merged with infectious enthusiasm delivering their mischievousness in style.
Catching the children young in celebrating such days of national importance will help inculcate the feeling of nationalism at a very young age. This was seen in every word of the chief guest- Kumar Shreyas Joshi who is barely 6 years old – in his speech. Starting from preparing the flag pole and the flag to preparing for the function, everything was a learning experience in a celebratory way.
The whole show was mastered by Kumaris Ahana and Ishani. The President of the children’s council Kumar Akshay P Bhat delivered the presidential address. Kumari Pratibha, Kumari Tanvi and Kumar Srivatsa Joshi invoked the almighty’s blessings to start the function. Kumar Samvrut, Kumari Meera and Kumar Pramod felicitated the guests. Kumar Srivatsa Joshi welcomed the gathering and Kumar Tejas Bhat introduced the guest to the gathering. Kumari Aneesha recited the pledge. Kumari Sanvi, Ahana and Ishani rendered a beautiful patriotic song. Secretary Kumar Tanay Kulamarva proposed the vote of thanks in his own inimitable way.
This was a celebration with a message. Our nation’s future is in safe hands of this generation next.
Pics and Info: Dr. Gautham Kulamarva
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